Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Survey for Grade 6/7s - Riemer

We took a web survey on our first day of class. Here are some of the results:

#2. We will be studying Drama, Dance, Music, and Art. Which of these is your favourite and WHY?

Music is my favorite because i listen to it allot

ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLL of it because it is all fun to do

Music because I like music.

I like drama because actor always look like they are having so much fun on stage.

all of them are my favorite because drama,dance,music and art are my passion and i love them all

art because it is fun painting

Dance and Art. I can be creative and have lots of fun.

music because I'm best at but i still love all the other fine arts

Music, because i am good at it like like listening to it

Music is my favourite because I already learned the alto saxophone in grade 5

Drama, because I like being in plays and on the stage acting.

Art because it calms me down and it is very entertaining to me.

Dance is my favourite because i dance in a studio and it is so fun!

music because you get to sing and stuff

i like all of them a lot but if i had to choose i would say music because i love to play different instruments.

Drama!!! You get to have so much fun & just act. I love acting and i've tried out t John Robert Power Studio in Calgary & I got in, but I never actually went the full step... Just auditioned. I actually made it in 2x but, again never went in. Besides my brother, in his school, he has drama (And my brother isnt a very big actor) But he just loves it!! I Love Drama!

My favourite is dance because there is sooooooo many types of dance.

art and dance because I use to dance and i like drawing because it is differnent

Art is my favourite because i love to draw and doodle and colour! :)


Well I love to draw and dance and music but i have never really tryed to do drama before really

Dance because I love it, and it makes you just feel the rythym and the beat!


Dance, because I love to dance and I think it's really fun!
music because i always listen to it